2012 debriefing

by DotNetNerd 23. December 2012 16:12

484Last year I did my first debriefing. I felt it was a good chance to take a quick look back and it felt good to reflect a bit and do a brain dump. So now I am at it again after a year that has flown by, in spite of some hard moments.

Personally this year had a tough start for my family, because the family business went bankrupt. I grew up in a house next to my parent’s greenhouse, so it was a central part of life in my upbringing. Acknowledging that it was the end of the road, and my dad had to move out of the house was frustrating. That said I am thankful that my siblings who both worked there have found new jobs, and my dad has adapted well to life as a pensioner.

Later on things have only gone forward. In the summer my girlfriend finished her masters, and just a few days ago she had her first scientific article accepted for publishing. I am really happy for her, and it makes for interesting prospects in the new year, where she will look to get a job and possibly start a PhD.

For me as a developer it has been a very exciting year, that offered plenty of opportunities. More...

2011 debriefing

by DotNetNerd 23. December 2011 09:00

happy-new-yearsSo, the time has come to look back on the year that has passed, and reflect a bit. I am usually more focused on making plans than writing history books, but once in a while it can be beneficial to take a look at what you have been doing, so you can make better conscious choices in the future. I do tend to get lost in all my little projects, so sometimes it is a nice reminder to look back and get some ideas of why the year went by so fast.

So what were the more interesting parts of my year? Well, I

  • Built MiniMe, which has had > 370 downloads since july and a couple of contributors.
  • Blogged here and on blog.vertica.dk – writing 18 blog posts total. Getting a pat on the shoulder as blogger of the year at Vertica, along with another good colleague.
  • Hosted an ANUG code camp on IronRuby.
  • Did a ANUG podcast about the NHibernate 3.0 Cookbook.
  • Played around with a bunch of technologies, and found use for some of them at work – doing faceted search with MongoDB and KnockoutJS as one of the more exciting solutions.
  • Did hobby projects to fool around with WebMatrix, MVC3 and Entity Framework.
  • Read a handfull of books on webdevelopment rangeing from Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial to Dependency Injection in .NET.
  • Attended HTML5 fasttrack, Commerce Server Training and a bunch of ANUG and Trifork events and code camps.
  • Was SEEE certified – mostly getting to know why not to use it.
  • Helped win the e-commerce award for start-ups in Denmark – which I actually worked on last year.
  • My first Windows Phone 7 app Blue Orb Player just turned one year and has been installed from marketplace > 285 times.

At work it has been a pretty versatile year, where I have had some consultant tasks, worked with Windows CE and Silverlight as well as the more regular ASP.NET projects - where BD, Bolia and Trollbeads have taken up the most of my time. I can only hope that 2012 will be just as exciting and with HTML5, devices and more client driven solutions shaping up to become important themes, I will probably have as much fun as I did this year.

Merry xmas and happy new year everyone :)

Og vinderen af låge #1 er...

by DotNetNerd 1. December 2010 12:51

Hvad kunne være mere i julens ånd, end at have mulighed for at hjælpe en stakkels gadget hungrende med-nørd I denne svære tid? Jeg kan i hvert fald mærke at jeg allerede er kommet i julehumør over at se de mange svar, hvor nogen af dem endda har været uforudset kreative.

Det rigtige svar på spørgsmålet som 83 deltagere i alt har svaret på er kort og godt: "Don't call us, we'll call you!". De mest kreative har endda sendt en video med svaret.

Den eneste naturlige måde at finde vinderen på har naturligvis været at afvikle: new Random().Next(83); for at finde indexet på vinderen i listen af mailadresser.

Og vinderen af en WD TV HD Live Digital Box er: Jørgen Christensen 



Microsoft Julekalender låge #1

by DotNetNerd 30. November 2010 00:00

Jeg har fået den ære at hoste den første låge i Microsofts julekalender. Så for lige at forklare reglerne er det helt enkelt at jeg stiller en opgave, som jeg har valgt er i form af et spørgsmål. For at deltage skal du blot besvare spørgsmålet  inden midnat i en email til christian@dotnetnerd.dk. Præmien til dagens vinder har jeg også fået lov at vælge, og det er blevet til en WD TV HD Live box. Jeg vil imorgen poste hvem vinderen er her på sitet, og give besked tilbage til Microsoft der sender gaven til den heldige og dygtige vinder.

Spørgsmålet er:

Hvilken sætning forbinder man både med afvisning af håbefulde skuespillere i Hollywood og DependencyInjection?



Who am I?

My name is Christian Holm Diget, and I work as an independent consultant, in Denmark, where I write code, give advice on architecture and help with training. On the side I get to do a bit of speaking and help with miscellaneous community events.

Some of my primary focus areas are code quality, programming languages and using new technologies to provide value.

Microsoft Certified Professional Developer

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional

Month List

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